A new events space

A new events space

A strip of grassed land, running from the Willie Clarke Visitor Centre to The Mary Pit Head was identified for potential development – known locally and by park staff as the ‘display area’.

We proposed to move the playpark into the southern part of the display area and offer temporary overflow car parking options and extra disabled parking on the grass during busy park days (when an event hadn't booked out the area).

However, there was significant concern about the suggestion to relocate the playpark to the west end of the park’s events space with many members of the public and stakeholder groups believing it would detrimentally impact on the events space.

This feedback helped to shape a new compromised position, which was approved by the Cowdenbeath Area Committee, to situate a new play park between the events space and existing play park. Revised designs for the new playpark have now been submitted as a planning application.

We’ve been gathering feedback on this, and some other proposals, as part of a wider consultation on park developments.

The consultation is now closed - view the consultation results and next steps.

Thank you to over 1,000 people for taking the time to share your thoughts. It has been a fantastic opportunity to gather reactions, new ideas and get fresh perspectives on a range of things that people feel passionate about.