A new natural play space

A new natural play space

Linked to the new playpark project, funding has been secured from the Scottish Government’s Nature Restoration Fund towards repurposing a derelict part of the existing play park into a natural play space.

Work will include the repurposing of mounds, topsoiling and a new path. Native trees and shrubs will be planted to link in with the existing pine and birch wood. A wildflower meadow and a small marsh will also be created. Some of the planting will be carried out by local community groups and residents.

The newly established natural play space will offer more green space for visitors to enjoy and explore, bringing a disused area of land back into the park’s offering.

We’ve been gathering feedback on this, and some other proposals, as part of a wider consultation on park developments.

The consultation is now closed - view the consultation results and next steps.

Thank you to over 1,000 people for taking the time to share your thoughts. It has been a fantastic opportunity to gather reactions, new ideas and get fresh perspectives on a range of things that people feel passionate about.

Our planning application for the new playpark also includes proposed work to develop the natural play space. The planning application is available to view, track and comment on in the online planning portal.